Our fragrances are 100% pure uncut oils.
Indulge in our luxury fragrance oils
inspired by your favorite designers.
Kayyamore Beauty Co is dedicated to making fragrances that are crafted using skin-safe ingredients that do good while making you feel good.
No longer limiting yourself to one designer brand because of a price tag. We believe in the quality that our oils deliver. On our personal journey, we would aim to resolve a common problem within the fragrance industry -- one that revolves around the idea that you have to spend hundreds of dollars on scents.
Here at Kayyamore Beauty Co. we believe that scent is a powerful memory trigger, which is why making the most of your fragrance is a priority for our brand. We continue to live up to that standard daily by crafting alcohol-free formulas made to last all day.
So prepare to indulge, experiment and layer. Trust us, there is no wrong way. Allow our fragrance oils to bloom then settle for a transformative experience that helps you love the skin you’re in even more -- minus the expensive price tag.